Should Your Child Take the ACT, SAT or Ditch Them Both?

  Standardized testing is like the “Monday morning” of the college application process–we all dread it coming and wish we could skip it altogether. Students are anxious about all of it:  the essays, the applications, financial aid, etc–but the test is the part over which they have the least amount of control. This, by far, is one of the top stressors of college-bound students. Educators would normally have some great advice as to which test is best […]

The Realities of Getting Your Fake Adult Off to College for that First Year

The graduation and the trunk parties are almost OVER!  Now what?  It’s time to get this guy off to school. They are salivating at the bit on their newfound “freedom” and just feeling themselves. They are 18 and think they’re grown.  They think they’re hot stuff.  They can vote for president, stay out late, challenge curfew and all sorts of stuff. They are fake adults, reaping the benefits of adulthood but on your dime and anxiety. But […]

High School Graduation: Begin with the End in Mind

  This past week, millions experienced one of my favorite times of the year: Graduation.  It is the culmination of a child’s high school experience rising to a colossal defining moment. The building is a buzz and there is an eclectic energy that cannot be replicated or duplicated. Seniors are in their best attire with half-zipped robes, getting the cap and tassel just right as they rush to the gathering area. Families are beaming with pride packed in the lobby […]